Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Who says a Mapuche can not have a blog?

Perhaps when most people hear the word Chile, the first thing that comes to mind is Mexican food, and I won’t deny that stuffed chilis are really good. However, there are few that associate Chile with a Latin American country and maybe we need the help of a map to find out where it is actually located.
Chile was a scene where the Spanish troops had some of their largest battles in order to accomplish their goal to conquer all of South America.  These battles lasted for over 400 years. This was due to the strong rival that was found between the tribal people of the land, the Mapuches.

One of the main qualities that characterized the Mapuche people during the time of the Spanish Conquest was that they did not know how to lose, and so no one could beat them. It may be for this characteristic that when I started this IHUM 260 class and heard words like “twitter” and “blog” that I thought that this would be the cause of an exception and the technology would beat me. I thought, how would I, a descendant of these Indians who uses the same email address since I was 12 years old, be able to accomplish this task.  In my desperate search for what to do, I remembered who I was and the legacy that I carry in my blood from my ancestors and I said to myself, “ this will not be the moment in which I disappoint my ancestors!”
Who would have thought that one day a Mapuche would be using twitter or expressing himself through the means of a blog? Well, here I am the first of my kind.  Some of you may be thinking that I am just an indian using technology, but the truth is that because of the fact that I am Mapuche, I do not know how to lose and I will not let a little blue bird named twitter beat me. I will tell you all how things are going in all my battles with this bird in my next blog. However, I hope that these battles do not last 400 years this time.