Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Magic is reality in Latin America

"As for magical realism, we need only extend hands to achieve it ". Carpentier,  A.  The kingdom of this world.

It is difficult from such extensive lands and varied customs and traditions to make a synthetic analysis of the Latin American essence. Alejo Carpentier knew very well how difficult this task was; to address the issue he decided to face the reality of the people who compose it, discovering the fantastic existence in the majesty of a continent where the wonder and magic could be found at every turn. This is how Latin America becomes the stage on which magic and reality coexist in harmony, because the reality of these people is magic and magic is reality thereof.

There are hundreds and thousands of demonstrations of magic that are part of the Latin American reality: not to marry on a Tuesday, the chupacabras, walking under a ladder, a black cat crossing your way, and many others are examples of superstitions. It is believed that the Latin American religion is a byproduct of the conquest, mixed with indigenous customs and even the influence of the beliefs of slaves brought from Africa; both would be the point where superstition and magic emerge among the peoples of Latin America. To be honest it is not my intention to question if it is all really true or not, but rather to concur with this theory that yes, there is magic in Latin America. And it is that magic which makes Latin America a reality.

 Both Indigenous and Latin American blood run through my veins, and I have always been intrigued about knowing more about my ancestors, the Mapuches. The magic in the Mapuche people is reflected in various ways: using powerful healers who spoke in tongues to effect cures, they also believe that through talking to certain animals one can receive powers to lead or govern, and even to receive answers . The legend teaches could challenge the Spanish army for 4 centuries because of the advice they received from nature. The healers do not talk about what their secret magic is in their daily lives because in reality they do have them, they simply and magically heal in reality. This is a perfect example of where reality and magic come together to form part of the essence of Latin America.

Video dedicated to the mapuches powerful healers

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