Wednesday, November 28, 2012

People like us

..."In the meantime they'll just have to move a little farther north from Mango Street, a little farther away every time people like us keep moving in"...The house on Mango Street, 

The last text that we studied was The House of Mango Street where we discovered among others, the topic of immigration. In order to get to know and understand Latin America, it’s not only necessary to analyze different theories the make up its origin and possible causes of its development, but it is also neccessary to examine the topic of immigration of Latin Americans to the United States. 

 The author, Cisneros, being from Mexico, does a good job in this book that helps us see the topic of Latin American immigration and integration into the American culture from the internal perspective and through the eyes of the immigrants. It’s interesting that she being a “chicana” would have written this book while she was in the University.   She is a Latin descendent and found herself in a similar situation as those Latin Americans who come to the United States. She decided to go study and challenge the reality of the Mexican woman and not stay in the house, get married young, or have children; all this in order to get a University Education. The immigrants that come into the United States in a similar way challenge the future and leave behind their lives as they know them in order to chase their dreams.

It points out in this work the diverse situations in which immigrants find themselves in far-away lands.  Cisneros explains between the lines the reality in which the immigrants live in the United States. It is not the same for all of them, but in one way or another something more than just speaking the same language or the same roots from which they come unites them; it’s simply being an immigrant.  Because of immigrants, the distances between countries don’t seem to be so far and the borders seem to be even more marked than ever in the history of the world, where they are even building walls and guarding the illegal passage to other countries.  These are example of the surety that the world is getting smaller, and this is demonstrated by the steady increase in the flow of immigrants to this country. However, it’s quite interesting that today we put forth so much effort as human kind to unite the world, but the distances between Latins and gringos would seem to be too blurry.

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